Precision Aerobatics Ultimate AMR Wing span - 40 inch / 1014mm Motor: PA Thrust 40 brushless outrunner If you demand high performance precision flying, high energy 3D/freestyle aerobatics, extremely light and rigid Biplane, the Ultimate AMR is the machine of choice for you. Forget what you have heard about bipes..Hard to handle? Stalls easily? a handful to land? well CERTAINLY NOT WITH THIS ONE. Many months of design, testing and experimentation brought about this exceptional model. The new Ultimate AMR features the revolutionary FiberFusion® construction making it the lightest electric built up Biplane produced to date in this size – about 38.45oz ready to fly (!!!) yet is rigid enough to withstand the most extreme high energy maneuvers we know you will be tempted to try! FiberFusion® is an engineered construction method, combining carbon fiber, balsa and ply in a way never seen before, utilizing the strengths of the fibers within each raw material, with the end result being lighter, stronger, more rigid aircraft that fly like nothing else! The Ultimate AMR is easily transportable and will fit in any backseat of a car without the hassle of removing the wings. The wings are still removable for convenience of storage if desired. Many months of testing and experimentation led to the design of a new airfoil specifically created for this airframe in order to achieve the pre-determined performance we had set. The unique aileron design enhances aerodynamic airflow and control efficiency. To complement the Ultimate AMR performance and CG – we had to design a new brushless motor the PA Thrust 40. The combination of the AMR unique design, exclusively designed airfoil, and our new Thrust 40 motor gives the feel of flying on a 4S pack with unlimited vertical performance although it is only using 3S 2200mAh 20c Lipo pack, without making any compromises on any maneuver or on flight duration and without having to make a costly investment in expensive battery packs essential on other heavier biplanes! The PA Ultimate AMR is built using finest grade material, all cut by state-of-the-art laser and CNC machines and pre-assembled by our own skilled factory staff. In order to attain uniform performance for each and every model produced, we produce the planes on highly precise jigs. Each set of wings are matched individually to each fuselage (this is something most factories don’t do even in giant scales production). Although the Ultimate AMR looks stunning on the ground, its performance in the air will be the one that will simply blow your mind. From quick paced high energy, jaw dropping aerobatics all the way down to slow graceful 3D, the AMR does it all and it really up to you to set the pace. On high rates, the handling is crisp and lightning quick response. It will lock in Knife Edge at any angle of attack and at any speed. Both upright and inverted harriers (a disability in many other bipes) are stable and rock-free while the hovers are vertical and easy to control. Torque rolls are simply beautiful to watch and the 4 huge ailerons provide adequate authority to torque in the opposite direction on demand. As for the flat spins:- How’s flat for you? Although the Ultimate AMR is an unlimited 3D/Freestyle beast, switching the dual rates onto low rates sets it’s personality to smooth, precision IMAC or sports style flying you would get the distinct impression that it’s flying on rails. Rolls are axial, well balanced and could be easily performed slow and persistent. Long fast turns are very accurate and without adverse yaw or loss of attitude and beautiful straight lines. Four point rolls and eight point rolls are simply beautiful. Worried about of landing? Forget what you have heard before about bipes. The PA Ultimate AMR is probably the easiest biplane to land. It practically lands itself at any speed without the risk of wing stall. It is easy to grease a landing without the need for speed or long runways. You can even land during a harrier. In the words of the Ultimate AMR designer: This plane will challenge you and allow you to perform many new maneuvers that other planes just don’t allow. It’s you getting used to the plane, squeezing the juice out of it that makes it so exciting. In line with PA’s tradition, this fine model spells QUALITY from the design to the construction, the hardware and the level of finish - the attention to detail is second to none. Available in three striking colors the Ultimate AMR looks simply awesome in the sky. The two wings allow easy orientation in flight. This plane is nearly complete and has very little left for you to do:
Carbon fiber features