How to Modify the Thrust 10 to Thrust 40 Motor for Back Mounting
By aerofundan on 07/28/20169These motors can be modified for back mount operations if needed. This article explains how to.
How to Remove and Re-install the Thrust Motor Shaft
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016Step by step instructions on how to remove and replace a motor shaft.
How to Fix Landing Gear Mount after a Hard Landing
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016Repair guide on how to fix your Landing Gear Mount after a hard landing!
How To Reinforce FiberFusion Motor Mount (older planes)
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016This tutorial applies to the older discontinued planes only. The stock motor mount is plenty strong. However, in instances…
How To Replace A Damaged Motor Mount
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016This type of damage is not as bad as it seems and its quite repairable. These things happens for a...
How To Rig Up Servo Solder On Servo Extension Cables
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016Overview Here’s a simple way to rig up the solder-on lightweight servo extension cables for a neat installation and...
How balancing cables are connected to Lipo Packs
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016How balancing cables are connected to Lipo Packs Due to the non-standardization of current lipo manufacturers, there is...
Tips for Handling and Caring of Lithium Polymer Packs
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016High Performance 3D/Freestyle flying requires four critical considerations for battery packs which are; consistent power throughout the entire duration...
How To Assemble PA Z-Bend Pushrods
By aerofundan on 07/28/2016Prior to strating on the assembly you need the following:- A pair of scissors disposable lighter Good quality thin...