Episode 1:
Episode 2:
In this Episode of PA Builds Hans’ covers servo installation and the building of both types of linkages found on PA planes.
Episode 3:
In Episode 3 of PA Builds Hans Kahlert continues explaining the propert techniques and methods of construction your PA ARF. Topics cover include: Installation of the tail, motorbox, and the pull-pull system
Episode 4:
Hans Kahlert continues the build video series with Episode 4.
Topics covered include:
Landing gear assembly
Installation of the Motor, ESC, and air scoops
Cowling alignment and mounting
Installation of the Optional CF Vortex Generators
Episode 5:
Hans Kahlert demonstrates the basics for a good radio setup as well as the methods to properly balance your model and its prop
Soldering Guide:
PA Team Pilot Hans Kahlert continues along the “Builds” series with a special episode covering the proper techniques for soldering electrical components of your model. These methods are applicable for all soldering procedures including servo extensions and battery connectors.