Design and Production of High Quality R/C planes, since 2004

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    XR-52 Testimonials

    Rich Grow @ RCGroups WOW What a Super Airplane !!!   We had Record High Temps here Sunday 25th January 2015 for...

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    Ultimate AMR Testimonials

    Tom Reet This Ultimate looks better than anything I have ever seen. I suppose that may be because it is my...

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    Katana Mini Testimonials

    Fred Midgett I flew my Funtana yesterday and it snaps SO bad compared to the KM, I almost don’t...

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    Katana MX Testimonials

    teshiecat @ RCGroups I maidened my blue KMX today… WOW!!!! what a beauty I wasn’t prepared for how unbelievavbly stable, smooth,...

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    Katana 52 Testimonials

    William Rehm Thanks! I finally got out to maiden the 52 today. Michael, Daniel and all of PA, you guys are...

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    Extra MX Testimonials

    rodsmith123 @ RCGroups WOW!!! What an airplane!!! It flies around so easy and smooth and when you hit the throttle it...

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    Extra 260 Testimonials

    Patric Eckerle Today it was my first flight with PA Extra 260. I have never flown a plane like this with...

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    Electric Shock Testimonials

    Aeroholic Had My ES flying a couple of times now and absolutely love it…stable, light, powerful. Unbelievable amount of...

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    Addiction XL Testimonials

    jevery @ RCGroups Shipping was timely and customer service was very good with my recent purchases with PA.   Richard Roberts...



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