Design and Production of High Quality R/C planes, since 2004


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    Addiction XL Testimonials

    jevery @ RCGroups Shipping was timely and customer service was very good with my recent purchases with PA.   Richard Roberts Wanted to thank everybody at Precision Aerobatics for...

  • 1adx

    Addiction X Testimonials

    D.B. Hooper I have one. You can believe all the hype! It is the best 3D plane I have ever flown!   sylifis @ RCGroups I must say when...

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    Addiction Testimonials

    Brian Buxton I just bought one of your Addiction planes and from the time I opened the box I new this was the best built plane I ever had,...

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    Precision Aerobatics How to Build Series by Hans Kahlert

    PA Builds videos explains the proper techniques and methods of construction for your PA ARF

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    How to Modify the Thrust 10 to Thrust 40 Motor for Back Mounting

    These motors can be modified for back mount operations if needed. This article explains how to.


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