Katana 52 ARF – Precision Aerobatics R/C Model Airplanes
Design and Production of High Quality R/C planes, since 2004

Katana 52 ARF

Katana 52 ARF


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We are proud to present a whole new flying experience to you, based on our most recognized PA aircraft, the legendary Katana.

The Katana 52 is simply a work of art. The intricate design was carefully developed over several years to reach the highest standard in aircraft design and performance, together with a new and efficient iPAs power setup, and two striking color schemes designed by Malcolm Stiles, our very own scheme designer.

The Katana was designed by Shaun Vanunu, the man who delivered the most amazing electric-powered model aircraft available on the market today. Shaun is Precision Aerobatics’ chief engineer and co-owner. The man behind PA’s unique construction technique called FiberFusion®, which was first implemented in 2006.

FiberFusion® is a sophisticated engineering and construction method, developed and enhanced over the past ten years by Shaun and his team. FiberFusion® uses 100% real carbon fiber, along with competition grade balsa/ply, utilizing carbon fiber where it really matters. Each variance of fiber used in the plane is carefully selected and utilized in a unique way, resulting in a much lighter – yet stronger and more rigid aircraft, that will fly like nothing else!

Shaun’s fresh approach to the Katana 52 design brings added benefits even to those who already own each of PA’s previous models, as the Katana 52’s flight envelope is like no other PA plane: combining the ability to perform new maneuvers never seen before on a PA plane, yet capable of the amazing slow speed handling PA planes are renown for, and precision to boot.

To reach these goals is not a minor undertaking – through hundreds of test flights we ensure you get the specific flight performance we envisioned in the design process. We invested endless efforts to test and retest in different climate conditions, adjusting the CG to get to the exact sweet spot and to guide you, so anyone can reach the peak performance this plane has to offer. We make sure our plane suits you, and your skill level. It’s all in the setup, and we cover it all thoroughly in the manual so the Katana 52 can be your sport plane, or your most advanced beast.


The iPAs set up

There is a lot to say about the setup, but efficiency is the name of the game. A lighter plane flies better … a lot better!!! This is why our models traditionally feature the lowest wing loading on the market, by far!

We have developed a particular motor for this plane, taking the powerful Thrust 45 and redesigning it with a rear mount, making it the first rear-mounted motor in the Thrust motors series, still equipped with RotorKool® technology for maximum efficiency.

We complete the iPAs (Integrated Performance Airframe-drive System) setup with a PA Quantum 45 EVO HV ESC and a 14.8V 2600mAh pack, swinging a 12×7 wooden Vox propeller, and four NXT-180 HV digital metal gear servos. This iPAs package has proven to be the most powerful, yet most economical and reliable setup possible. Just compare both weight and cost to other 52″ setups available, and you’ll be amazed by the value of this package.

This lightweight, yet extremely powerful setup, makes the Katana 52 very responsive, providing absolute control, extreme performance and predictability, so you are able to get out of the most difficult situations with ease.

Best of all, you don’t even need to know how to select your ESC, motor, or battery. Or even need to learn how to program your ESC. Everything is done for you and all that is required is to just plug and play. With the iPAs package we have made it as easy as it gets to get it right the first time when it comes to electrics. Not only does the iPAs package make it easy to get it right, it will give you the identical setup (and potential performance) as our Team Pilots.


Flying it

Here is how our lead team pilot, Daniel Dominguez, describes the flight performance:

“Torque rolls are very predictable and smooth, requiring very little control corrections. This means you’ll be able to impress all your buddies with the rudder merely inches above the ground without having to be a pro.

Knife edge is simply out of this world stable, with ZERO coupling, making it easy to execute sick knife edge dead slides, tight knife edge loops, and jaw dropping high speed knife edge passes and circuits.

Rolling harriers require very little control input and effort, roll rate has been increased allowing for higher energy flying and faster combinations and stops, which allows very impressive rolling loops in slow 3D and fast speed flight.

Jaw dropping high energy tumbles and precision flight are simply easy to perform, at slow or full speed. Blenders and tumbles stop immediately as the plane is so responsive. It harriers exceptionally well in both upright and inverted, with no wing rock. Knife edge spins are beautiful, and very easy to control the exits without a worry about it over-rotating.

Apart from excellent high energy and 3D flight characteristics, the Katana 52 performs amazingly in the precision flying department, allowing you to mix 3D and precision, and widen the scope of aerobatic maneuvers that can be mastered and performed. It’s capable of the longest and most impressive slow rolls you can imagine, beautiful rolling circles, perfect point rolls, and amazing snap rolls that stop so fast that it feels like you are mentally connected with this airframe.


The production

We take pride in utilizing only the finest, genuine carbon fiber, setting us apart from other brands that resort to black-tinted fiberglass to create the illusion of carbon fiber.

The Katana 52 is pre-assembled by our skilled staff, each specifically trained in building models using our most advanced FiberFusion® construction techniques to date; using only the finest grade material, all cut by state-of-the-art laser and CNC machines. In order to attain uniform performance for each and every model manufactured, each plane is consistently crafted on highly sophisticated and accurate jigs. Further, each set of wings are individually matched to their fuselage and all receive matching serial numbers(something most factories don’t do even in giant scale production). We test-assemble each airframe before shipping and ensure precise wing incidence, alignment and fit.

Two wing halves are removable, making it easily transportable for a model of this size. The wings are joined together with a carbon fiber wing tube and carbon fiber sleeve, that makes the Katana 52 a compact and durable aircraft. All flight surfaces are fully airfoiled, and the ailerons are already pre-hinged with the gaps sealed . For maximum aerodynamics, the aileron design and construction in this model is exceptional, made in such a way that the hinge gap is completely sealed as part of the wing, similar to the full size high-performance aerobatic planes. This is indeed quite complex to produce: the ailerons fit into the wing trailing edge tunnels, being glued and aligned in the factory. Despite the laborious production of this design we insist on producing the ailerons this way, as it ensures perfect aerodynamic flow over the airfoil, resulting in maximum efficiency of the control surfaces. To us, it is the aerodynamic performance that counts most.

Our Katana 52 is a true work of art – handcrafted with meticulous care. Every step of its production is a testament to our standards – bringing you an aircraft that’s nearly complete and ready for the final assembly, a step we leave to you.

Don’t miss our comprehensive online video build-guide series, PA Builds. After watching those and with the use of our most detailed instruction manual most modelers can have it ready to fly in just a matter of a few evenings.
