Thrust 30 Motor with RotorKool technology – Precision Aerobatics
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Thrust 30 Motor with RotorKool technology

Thrust 30 Motor with RotorKool technology


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Note: for maximum efficiency we do not recommend using APC 13×6.5E. Use VOX 13×6.5 wood prop.

Outside Diameter 37.2mm
Length 37mm
Weight (gr/oz) / 3.7oz
Motor Shaft Dia. 5.0mm
Mounting Bolts Dia. M3
Max efficiency Current A * 18-28A
Peak current A (15 sec) * 39A
Battery pack range ** 2~3 LiPo / 6-12 NiCd
Poles 14
KV rpm/V 905
Recommended ESC PA Quantum 45
Peak Watts 470 watts

Unrestricted airflow and air scoops are mandatory to ensure long service life and long term performance consistency. Extended Continuous Operation without the required cooling provisions may be detrimental to the coils and magnets and will void warranty.

** PA 3cells (11.1V) 2200mAh pack is recommended. With 4 cells pack the chosen propeller must fit within the motor’s limits (current drawn).

 Prop selection (with PA2200mah 20-40C V2 Packs)

     APC 11×5.5E –       Excellent lower range prop for the T30 with outstanding efficiency of 84%!! Running cool and smooth with longer flight duration.


     VOX 12X6 –            Nice propeller with lower flight speed and punch compared to the APC 12x6E but with the advantage of being lighter (meaning faster prop spooling) and a nicer prop sound 😉

Better suited for general sport flying.


     APC 12X6E –          Excellent overall propeller for freestyle, pattern and basic 3D. Nice balance of thrust with constant flight speed (for tumbling maneuvers). Matches well to the Thrust® 30 with excellent efficiency and good flight duration. This is our recommended general prop for the Katana MD and Extra 260 if flight duration is in mind.


     VOX 12X7 –            Nice overall propeller for aerobatics and pattern flying providing more flight speed for high energy maneuvers with longer flight duration than the APC12x6E due to the higher efficiency. It resembles the performance of the APC12x6E but with better efficiency and 3.8A lower current drawn, plus it has the sleekly wooden appearance 😉


     APC 13x4E –          If you are a thrust freak and want a 3D beast then give this propeller a shot. With a whopping 95.68oz thrust no doubts you will impress your club mates!! Please note that this prop is not a good choice for pattern flying due to the low flight speed (low pitch propeller). This prop may be a good choice if you want to practice some low and very slow 3D since it provides the instantaneous thrust (the extra punch to get out of embarrassing situations). The combination of the low pitch and the large diameter acts as an air brake and will allow slow harriers without speeding up but with a penalty of slower throttle response therefore we do not recommend this prop for beginners. It is stable in hovering and TR.


VOX 13×6.5 –        This is a high range propeller for the Thrust® 30 with the V2 pack and is an excellent overall prop for extreme 3D and freestyle specifically tuned for slower and graceful 3D. The added thrust provides good traction when flying slow 3D such as slow harrier rolls and slow KE. It gives an excellent punch for recovery out of awkward situations especially when learning to hover or torque roll. Allows moderate speed maneuvers with a “giant scale like” overall appearance to the maneuvers. NOTE: Adequate airflow to cool down the motor and ESC is mandatory, as well as strict throttle management.



   VOX 11X10 –           Good propeller for high speed with high efficiency.


*  It is essential to allow good air flow (using the supplied air baffles and installing the gear per the instruction manual) over the motor, ESC and batteries under normal RC hobby use only, otherwise, the gear may exceed the allowed temperatures and get damaged.
