XR-61T ARF – Precision Aerobatics R/C Model Airplanes ARF
Design and Production of High Quality R/C planes, since 2004




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Following the recent upgrade to the XR61 iPAs set up, we are excited to release the XR61-T!

This highly popular model just got a new symmetrical (and amazing!) patriotic color scheme and a tandem canopy!  It is not replacing the XR61 (which is in production as usual) but rather an addition to the PA line.

The T in the name stands for Tandem, for those who prefer the looks of the longer, larger canopy. The XR61-T maintains the same flight performance the XR-61 has to offer, plus greater side area for ever better precision maneuvers and knife edge!

The sophisticated aerodynamic design, straight and true factory-build (incidence pre-set) and incredibly powerful set up allowing this plane to perform just like you hope for – be it precision flying or slow 3D!

The XR-61T is powered by a powerful rear-mounted motor (PA Thrust 60 Revo 24 Pole) and precision super torque servos (NXT-200HV) which gives this plane completely new feel in the air!  Even if you owned an XR61 before – this would be a totally new experience. The tremendous upgrade in the iPAs setup, coupled with the larger side area expands the XR61 flight envelope and gives it a whole new style of flying, never seen before in the XR.

Kudos to our very own gifted color-scheme-designer, Malcolm Stiles who created this gorgeous scheme.


To quote PA lead test pilot, Daniel Dominguez –  “On low rates I couldn’t believe how precise this plane feels, it gives a similar feeling as the big F3A pattern ships, or a big 100cc IMAC airplane, and when you switch to high rates, you get the crazy high energy 3D flying of a smaller plane, yet this one has the stability of a big plane. There isn’t one maneuver that didn’t make me WOW, knife edge has 0 coupling, harriers and elevators are so easy that it feels like this plane has a gyro, it feels completely locked in and gives that connected feeling that really makes me love this airplane. ”

Being a NEXT Generation PA plane means the XR-61T sustains more energy when flown and by so keeping higher flight speeds which is vital when performing consecutive aerobatics or freestyle maneuvers and allowing sharp and quick turns, resulting in most impressive and breathtaking transitions.

You can expect everything: from crazy tumbles, to super slow harriers at walking pace, and high alpha knife edge without any coupling!  Elevators that need 0 corrections other than small inputs to keep the plane tracking straight. Super tight and easy to do waterfalls, completely flat – flat spins!  Slow rolls the length of the field, super precise snap rolls, completely axial rolls.

This 61″ wingspan design is sure to grant you an unmistaken giant-scale feel: being capable of stable, true and straight lines with unlimited power to recover from any situation.

The XR-61T is incredibly lightweight and rigid. Couple its huge control surfaces to its feather-like lightweight and an incredibly low wing loading proves the XR-61T to be a floater that will respond immediately to your stick inputs.


Powered by the PA Thrust 60 24 pole RotorKool® equipped motor and PA Quantum 80 EVO HV ESC with a switching BEC makes the XR-61 extremely responsive providing absolute control, extreme performance and predictability, so you are able to get out of the most difficult situations with ease – and this builds confidence. The XR-61T is powered by two standard 2200mAh-2600mAh 11.1V packs or single 6s PA 2600 mAh 22.v pack, so you don’t need to get a new charger or buy a battery that is dedicated to only one model in your hangar. 

The two PA 2600mAh allow for 6 minutes of safe intensive 3D flight. This iPAs package has proven to be the most powerful yet most economical and reliable set up possible. Best of all, you don’t even need to know how to select your ESC, motor or battery or even need to learn how to program your ESC. Everything is done for you and all that is required is just to plug and play. With the iPAs package, we have made it as easy as it gets to get it right the first time when it comes to electrics. Not only does the iPAs package make it easy to get it right, it will give you the identical setup (and potential performance) as our Team Pilots.

The XR-61T is pre-assembled by our skilled staff, each specifically trained in building models using our most advanced FiberFusion® construction techniques to date; using only the finest grade material, all cut by state-of-the-art laser and CNC machines. In order to attain uniform performance for each and every model manufactured, each plane is consistently crafted on highly sophisticated and accurate jigs. Further, each set of wings are individually matched to their fuselage and all receive matching serial numbers (something most factories don’t do even in giant scales production). We test-assemble each airframe before shipping and ensure precise wing incidence, alignment and fit.

Two wing halves are removable making it easily transportable for a model of this size. The wings are joined together with a CF wing tube and CF sleeve that makes the XR-61T a compact and durable aircraft. All flight surfaces are fully airfoiled, and the ailerons are already pre-hinged with the gaps sealed. For maximum aerodynamics, the aileron design and construction in this model is exceptional, made in such a way that the hinge gap is completely sealed as part of the wing, similar to the full size high performance aerobatic planes. This is indeed quite complex to produce: the ailerons fit into the wing trailing edge tunnels being glued and aligned in the factory. Despite the laborious production of this design we insist on producing the ailerons this way, as it ensures perfect aerodynamic flow over the airfoil resulting in maximum efficiency of the control surfaces. To us, it is the aerodynamic performance that counts most.

Following PA tradition this model too gives the word QUALITY a whole new meaning. From the design through the construction, the hardware, level of finish, and  the attention to detail are second to none. Our XR-61T is a TRUE ARF, 99% built for you in our factory. The brief assembly is a joy and most modellers will have it set up in just a few evenings with the help of our video build guide series, PA Builds – now included in the box of the XR-61T.
